February 24, 2009

Goth & Lolita

Lolita as a fashion is not as strongly associated with a particular style of music or outside interests as Goth, and individual followers of Lolita fashion may listen to a wide variety of music, from Classic music to pop and rock.

In Japan, Goth is a minor subculture with few followers, partly because the emphasis upon visual identity in Japanese youth culture makes other factors such as music and literature less important signifiers, and perhaps partly because Christianity is a minor religion here. In Japan, people who have heard the term "Goth" usually assume that it is simply a contraction of "Gothic Lolita" except for the Goths themselves, who strongly emphasize the differences. Likewise, some non-Japanese observers assume that "Gothic Lolita" is the Japanese version of "Goth", purely on the similarities in fashion.

Previously in Tokyo, the largest "goth" club events, such as "Tokyo Dark Castle", would also attract a noticeable proportion of Gothic Lolita customers. However, since 2005 their numbers have dwindled and such events now primarily attract more typical goth, industrial and metal music fans.Concerts of visual kei themed bands are often attended by many Lolitas, but conversely, few goths.

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