February 24, 2009

Product Line

Inspiration / Focus On Lolita Kisama Designs

Fashion That Has History To It

Though believing in and valuing all kinds of existing fashion styles, because of their originality and creativity, Lolita Kisama Fashion and Accessories does not intend to represent a specific fashion style, but rather carries on an own created, unique fashion and accessories line. However, we are highly influenced by, and therefore known for, our Japanese, Visual Kei and Gothic Lolita inspired Fashion. The reason why our designs tend to lean toward these styles is our personal love and passion for Japan – its history, culture, language, but most of all: it’s lifestyle – entertainment, music and fashion.

Imagining to be in the middle of Japan, among people of all ages, dressed up in simple yet extrem, strange, daring, but always unique styles ?! Whether if kawaii, elegant, classic or modern, all of them find a way to freely express themselves - beyond any limits; without the fear of being rejected by society. This beautiful dreampicture of reality is what inspires us so much to honor Japanese (street) fashion. The greatest strength about Japanese, Visual Kei and Gothic Lolita fashion is their consisting elements of previous fashion eras, so that one can say that Japanese fashion is partly influenced by world’s fashion from West to East. Lolita Kisama wants to move one step further and now cross cultural boundaries. We believe that all of us have the potential to do so through music and fashion, and that is why it’s so important to us to reach so many people of so many different races fashionably and musically. If people of different origins share same interests such as music and fashion, why not sharing tolerance and respect, as well?!

Fulfilling Everyone’s Needs And Wants

Opening the very first page of our online catalogue- What do you see?

Our selection offers a wide variety of products, ranging from apparel such as: blouses, jackets, pants, T-Shirts, tops, (Kitty) sweaters, etc. to accessories such as jewelry, handbags, hats, scarves or make-up products and more! It’s the usual and common things that everyone should have or must have in life. Our desire is to absorb and meet all customers’ wants and needs with our products, so that everyone can easily find something that suits them.

Lolita Kisama – The Manufacturer / The Brand

Well, now to the more interesting part: Moving closer to the screen, there are “Lokisa”: Meow Knit Hats, Belt Purses, Mini Candy Tophats, Kitty sweaters, Konpaku Ties, Cat Collars, ( Ghost Skull ) Face Masks,… ?! Probably the first time that you have heard these names, isn’t it? Absolutely right, because these products are not being offered anywhere else except at Lolita Kisama. As a manufacturer from the United States, our greatest strength is that we continually deliver innovation and ideas to produce unique products and designs – concentrating not to develop products that turn out to be fads, something that gains popularity very quickly but loses it quickly afterwards. Lolita Kisama offers high quality and reasonable prices. Best seller products, such as our Lokisa Meow Knit hats and Lokisa Belt Purses are popular for their good quality fabric that we use, Lokisa Designer T-Shirts for their original designs and good quality print. Some products, such as our Mini Candy Tophats, are even handmade.
Our manufacturing working force from the USA incorporates personal heart into our work and proudly puts Lolita Kisama’s individually stamp on it. “Lolita Kisama - Made in the USA”.

Clothing / Accessory Sets

Isn’t that the greatest? To browse through our online catalogue and have so many products, so many styles, so many colors, so many options, so many deals, etc. to choose from?! But, you might be someone that got too overwhelmed by our catalogue, now asking yourself: “Wait, would this Face Mask fit better to my new pants? Should I rather buy the grey hairextension or the red one? Is this haircirclet with the bow cute enough for my rainbow shirt and pink shoes? What should I buy?! What should I buy for “him”?! What should I buy “her”?!…” If this is your case, we have the solution! Lolita Kisama offers a great variety of (Visual Kei / JRock) fashion sets, that are displayed as ready-to-wear. Once purchased, there should not be any more worries about whether your accessories match or not, whether you look good or not! You must be wondering yourself now: “There must be a catch to it!” Correctly! It’s that the total cost of each set is price-reduced, that you can save up to 40 % or more! (;

Read customer reviews here:

Grab Bags

Lolita Kisama Grab Bags are creative bags of different styles ( Asian Lolita, Decora, Gothic Lolita, Visual Kei ) that are filled up with apparel and / or accessories (jewelry, handbags, hats, scarves or make-up products etc.) as a surprise.

The customer can choose between two sizes: “Medium” ( with a content value of $35 but only cost $15 ) and “Large” ( with a content value of $45 but only cost $25 ). The bags are tremendous in value and packed with unique items.

Not knowing what is inside until buying one and opening it- getting totally hit by the incredible good stuff- what a fun and fair deal is that?!

Go for it if you want Christmas or your Birthday happen more than once in a year!
One of the best gifts that you could purchase for your friend or for yourself,if ever you should ask yourself: “What should I buy?!”

Read customer reviews here:

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